Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Wouldn't be a true Bostonian without mentioning that it's Opening Day!

As since we are typically the capital of anguish in New England, Boston must, from time to time, live up our sports victories. This sound like a bit much though? Also...Bill Buckner for the opening pitch? If they don't win this year, how many people do you think will blame him for it?

Annnnnnnd, Neil Diamond's going to play Fenway!


Going back to this post, this was today's Stuff White People Like: White Problems. I wonder which books are most acceptable to white people?


Once again, a tip of the hat to Tom: The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks.


Gearing up for other local sporting events...the Womens' Olympic trials run will bring runners past my front door. And, WERE YOU AWARE, Lance Armstrong is running Boston? Any day now we'll have a whole rash of Diddys and Katie Holmeses and Oprahs flocking to join him. It happened in NYC.


I love perusing Jason Kottke's blog because it's basically mine only a million times better. I always find a ton of interesting things to read about and today was especially good:

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