Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I hate April Fools'

I will fully admit - I am one of those idiots who believes the crazy news stories up until they start getting a particular level of crazy and then I remember, oh, it's April Fools'. I am such a dumb dumb. This one hooked me with the title.

Also, from Bostonist are the local April book events; I'm pretty ticked that the Jhumpa Lahiri engagement is sold out (but then again, it was in Braintree which wasn't convenient) but I'm thinking I might go see Sloane Crosley (author of I Was Told There'd Be Cake) - April 15 @ 7 pm, Brookline Booksmith.

Why do people love bacon so much? And why must they combine it with everything? No April Fools for this one, sadly, it's real.

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